What a surprise and delight at the support that Golly Gee-pers! Table Manners Cards has received from dads and men in general.
We tend to think of table manners as women’s territory. After all, many girls begin their training serving tea to stuffed animals at the age of 2 or 3 and proceed through life as the defacto manners managers to our boyfriends, husbands and children. Why then all the interest by men in this game? It might be the idea of a “tool” to solve a problem that speaks to men. It might be the lack of defensiveness that dad’s have in addressing their children’s table manners. It very well might be that these men can relate to kids, having being nagged about their own table manners and would welcome a more constructive approach.
In any case the genuine interest by men and the stories about their embracing the manners games are nothing short of charming. Just imagine the look of absolute startled innocence on Dad’s face as his five year old hands him a thumbs-down card for talking with his mouth full. Rather than making excuses for why it’s okay for him to do as he likes, these men are rising to the occasion, modeling good manners and telling their friends about it. Little do they know this is the kind of thing that makes women swoon!
Woman on the other hand may find it a little bit harder to be reminded of what they are already supposed to know. While the world will look the other way for men and children, woman are held to a higher standard. In fact, woman are held responsible for the manners of their spouses and children too! So, to imply that they or their family could use some help in this area might not be immediately appreciated. If you’ve ever watched Supper Nanny you will know what I mean. There’s not a mom on that show who doesn’t love her kids and work over time to be the best mom she can be. So, when it is pointed out that mom needs help and might have to do things differently, she often feels like she has failed. Didn’t all the necessary tools for great parenting come with the gender pool and the term “mother?” Men, don’t have this unrealistic notion. “Just do what it takes to get the job done” is their attitude. It’s all about the results.
So, kudos to you guys. You’ve entered new territory with the right attitude. In the process you’ve taken some of the heat off mom and you can bet she’ll be grateful for that!